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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Use this section to provide your company’s Privacy Policy. It’s best to consult a legal professional for this, and we recommend providing content that is easy to read and understand. That way, your website users will know what your Privacy Policy is about and how it affects them.


The Privacy Policy is a formal statement that explains to website visitors how your company handles their personal information. It's best to use one that's clear and uses simple language. The content below is only a recommendation and by no means should be used as the right content for your company's Privacy Policy.

01. What personal information do you collect?

  • Information you provide: We receive and store any details you provide about yourself. This may include your name, address, email, username, phone number, and any other information you provide.
  • Automatically collected information: We use automatic processes to collect and store information about you such as your IP address, information provided via website cookie tracking, and other identifying details.
  • Information provided by external sources: This may include any details we may receive from shipping couriers we may work with to deliver your order.

02. Why do you collect personal information?

Use this section to explain the reasons for collecting the information you mentioned. If the information collected is necessary for your store's activity or online purchases, you should mention it and explain how it's related. Provide any and all the reasons for collecting personal information about your customers and website visitors.

03. How do you collect personal information?

List all the ways, methods, and processes by which you collect information about your website visitors.

04. What will the collected information be used for, and who will be able to access it?


List all the uses your company will have for the information you collect, and provide details on who will have access to that information, and for what purpose.

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