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Is CBD safe to take at work?

Is CBD safe to take at work?

Is CBD safe to take at work? 

Another commonly asked question is whether or not it is “safe” to take CBD oil in any of it’s forms and go to work. We find this to be a loaded question that is typically asking two things: Is CBD going to make me high? And will CBD products show up on a drug test? As far as our products here at Fleur d’Henri are concerned, the answer is simple, no and no. Fleur uses only broad spectrum 0.0% THC products eliminating any risk at all of being impaired, intoxicated, or “stoned” for lack of a better word. Furthermore, since there is not any THC in our products, it will also not show up on a drug test, given that drug test is looking for THC. So that’s the short answer. This answer, however, does not stand true with all types of CBD products. Many CBD products may well contain THC in them. 

Here’s a breakdown of the different types of CBD oil and what each of them contain, and the benefits and drawbacks of each. 

Types of CBD oil:

CBD oil comes in 3 primary forms, and we believe that we’ve found the way to get the most of what the marajuana plant has to offer, without leaving any traces of THC. When looking into what types of CBD Oil, you’ll hear the phrases “full spectrum”, “broad spectrum”, and “isolate”. Fleur uses “broad spectrum 0.0% THC”.  

Full Spectrum CBD Oil - Contains all 113 cannabinoids within the marijuana plant, including THC (the only psychoactive cannabinoid). Full spectrum is easier to manufacture, because it can be emulsified, dissolved, and homogenized much more effectively - compared with an isolate. Since the isolates are difficult to dissolve in water containing media during manufacturing or consumption, they pose a risk of inconsistent delivery of active ingredients for consumers and patients alike. Therefor, if you are being drug tested at work, have a particularly high pressure, or dangerous occupation, we recommend steering clear of these types of products.  

Broad Spectrum CBD Oil - Contains only a few cannabinoids within the hemp or marijuana plant. This form is exponentially more beneficial than an isolate. CBD in the presence of other plant constituents improves the dose-response in a standardized hemp extract, showing it is more potent and efficacious than pure CBD isolate. Various research groups have studied a range of physiological parameters, such as analgesic (pain relieving) effects, and have concluded that the higher efficiency of plant extract can be explained by additive or synergistic interaction between CBD, terpenes, and the minor phytocannabinoids in the extracts. This is because other phytocannabinoids, including Tetrahydrocannabivarin, Cannabigerol, and Cannabichromene exert additional effects of therapeutic interest and the therapeutic synergy observed with plant extracts results in the requirement for a lower amount of active components. Broad spectrum CBD oil can range from 0.0% THC to much higher levels. You’ll want to make sure that the broad spectrum product you’re using  contains no THC to avoid the risk of failing a drug test, or having psychoactive effects. 

CBD Isolate - Contains only 1 cannabinoid within the plant - CBD. CBD isolate has been used for various Investigational New Drug applications. GW Pharmaceuticals has an approval pending with Food and Drug administration for a drug with CBD as the active ingredient. Historically, the active ingredients in their purified form are not allowed in any consumer or drug product upon FDA-approval. Therefore, designing a product with purified CBD, will present a challenge for manufacturers, as it will soon be illegal to use. However, designing consumer products or supplements with full-spectrum hemp oil with up to 80% CBD and no THC provides a solution to those who would want a viable and legal supply of CBD raw material in the form of a botanical extract.

Broad Spectrum 0.0%THC - That's us!! We utilize the entire marijuana plant, and remove ALL traces of THC. This means that we are utilizing all of the cannabinoids within the marijuana plant, except for THC. This makes our products safe for work and eliminates the chances of failing a drug test for THC. 

As always, we recommend talking to your doctor if you have any preexisting conditions or take other medications. As CBD could interact or intensify the effects of other prescription drugs that you may be taking for the same reason. Additionally, we like to include a list of the possible side effects that CBD may have before one of our customers decides to add CBD to their work-day regimen. 

At large, CBD is understood to be a remarkably safe alternative to traditional pharmaceuticals and over the counter medications. Though no serious or life threatening side effects have been found with using CBD there are some side effects to be aware of. The most common side effects of CBD include drowsiness, gastrointestinal issues, dry mouth, reduced appetite, nausea, and interaction with other medications.

Drowsiness: I’m hesitant to list drowsiness as a side effect of CBD because it is often a welcomed and desired effect. CBD has sedative qualities that are not only known to make for better, more restful sleep, but also to combat over stimulation and anxiety. The relaxing and sedating effects of CBD however, could get intense if combined with other sedative drugs. If you’re currently on other medication, make sure you ask your doctor if it’s okay to supplement with CBD. 

Gastrointestinal Issues: Nausea and gastrointestinal issues are a pretty common side effect of CBD oil. This can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and other symptoms associated with a digestive problem (think how you would feel after eating something that disagreed with you). In part, some people simply don't digest CBD oil well. This is not uncommon with oils and supplements.

Dry Mouth / Reduced Appetite: Ironically, perhaps, for a cannabis product, CBD oil has been linked to loss of appetite in some people. (Again, think eating something new that your body didn’t agree with.) Along with dry mouth, a rather non-ironic effect of a cannabis product. CBD can simply leave you feeling unpleasant after ingesting. As with most other side effects, this will pass in time.

Again CBD poses no significant side effects, but does have a few mild ones. Mild side effects will pass with time. It is important to understand CBD as medicine when it comes to adding it to your regimen. That being said, be sure to consult your doctor if you have a pre-existing health condition or take other prescription or OTC medications regularly.